![]() Today I'm pleased to feature a special book for a good cause: Nightshade Reads presents their debut fantasy anthology, featuring eight of the genre’s freshest up-and-coming independent authors. Get ready for One Crazy Night, packed full of magical encounters, dark secrets and shocking revelations. Get a glimpse into a powerful queen’s dark and brutal backstory in Aoife Marie Sheridan’s Bellona. In Louise Nick’s Love Magic, a homemade love spell goes disastrously wrong for two amateur teen witches. A young woman is captured by beautiful, dangerous creatures in M.H. Soars Elements: A teenage boy falls in love, but things quickly become complicated in R. Holland’s Lady in Black. Sara Furlong Burr brings a broken man’s troubles to light as he is offered a solution by a mysterious stranger in The Recruit: Emma Faragher spins a dark origin tale of sisterhood and magic in Necromancer Lineage. The kindness of a stranger takes a homeless young man by surprise in The Keymaker by Teshelle Combs. Sharon Stevenson’s Reanimator brings death and magic together to change the fate of one young man’s life: All proceeds from sales of this anthology will go to The Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research Organisation. Purchase Links: Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00THX82YM Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00THX82YM Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1121346571?ean=2940046614855 Nook UK: http://www.nook.com/gb/ebooks/one-crazy-night-by-m-h-soars/2940046614855 Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/518865 Other Important Links: You can add this book to your TBR pile on Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24822007-one-crazy-night You can like our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/NightshadeReads You can find out more about the charity this anthology supports here: https://leukaemialymphomaresearch.org.uk/ Author Links: Sara Furlong Burr: http://sarafurlongburr.blogspot.co.uk/ Teshelle Combs: http://teshellecombs.com/ Emma Faragher: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Emma-Faragher-author/140453732798952 R. Holland: http://www.rhollandbooks.com/ Louise Nicks: http://www.sorensaga.com/ Aoife Marie Sheridan: http://www.aoifemariesheridan.com/ M.H. Soars: http://www.mhsoars.com/ Sharon Stevenson: http://sharonstevensonauthor.com/ About the Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research Charity: This charity was chosen as it is one that is close to all of the Nightshade Reads author’s hearts. Researching blood cancers and the prevention of these illnesses, Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research believes that everyone should be able to live their lives to the full. They have been working for over 50 years to beat blood cancers and donations really do make all the difference to their research. You can find out more about this charity and the wonderful work that they do here: https://leukaemialymphomaresearch.org.uk/ ![]() About Nightshade Reads: Nightshade Reads is an independent author collective and One Crazy Night is their debut short story anthology. Eight authors who write YA & NA novels in the fantasy, paranormal, and dystopian genres make up this collective. These authors have worked hard to bring together a collection of exclusive stories that are all set on One Crazy Night, and they decided that all proceeds from sales of this book will go to the Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research Charity. You can keep up with the works of this collective here: https://www.facebook.com/NightshadeReads Kyra sez: This is a cause that is close to my heart, and I'm delighted to have the opportunity to help get the word out about this anthology. Nineteen years ago in April, my good writing friend Shiori lost her battle with leukemia. We met in a science fiction/fantasy workshop at our local community college, and eventually split off into a smaller workshop/critique group with one other person. We would meet at Coffee Etc. one night a week (where, since I don't drink coffee, I would indulge in the yummy German chocolate cake and raspberry lemonade) and talk about writing and other things, laugh, and support each other in our writing and our lives. Shiori was a talented and dedicated writer of Star Trek fanfic, even though everyone in the workshop laughed at her and pointed out that she couldn't publish it. Sadly, she died just before or right at the dawn of the great age of Internet fanfiction. She was 42 years old and left an 8-year-old son.
I was pregnant with my younger son during the last months of her illness. It was a difficult pregnancy and I didn't touch base with her for several months until shortly after my son was born. I was shocked when she died a few weeks later, and at that point I learned from our other writing friend that Shiori had refrained from telling me just how sick she was, because she knew I was already stressed out with my pregnancy. It was her gift to me, the only gift she was able to give me in the end stage of her illness - that and a card, which she bought during her last expedition out of the house and sent to me. I still treasure it. One of the books I workshopped with Shiori and our other friend is the book that eventually became Sarya's Song. A big turning point with that book came when they laughed at the love scene in the original version. Not to my face, of course, but while they were reading at home, and they were very apologetic when they told me about it, but it had to be said. It stung at first, then I realized they were right to laugh. Not only was the scene all wrong, but so were Sarya and Adan's entire characters. It's because of Shiori that Sarya's Song is the book it is today, and it's dedicated to her. I wish she could have read the final version, and it's my hope that proceeds from the sale of One Crazy Night will help more cancer patients enjoy more books, more cake, more laughter, and more years with their friends and families. Watch for my upcoming review of One Crazy Night; so far it's lots of fun!
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AuthorI am Kyra Halland, author of tales of fantasy, heroism, and romance. Sign up for my email list
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