Cast of Characters
Rashali, a young widow Kinna, Rashali’s widowed sister Sumir, a fisherman and Scorpion leader in Moon Bend Laga, the village headwoman of Moon Bend Tigun, Rashali’s husband, deceased Lalana, Rashali’s daughter, deceased Helku, a Scorpion leader Teshik, Helku's lieutenant Kefel, Scorpion leader in Kubiz Eshana, a Scorpion in Kubiz Migar, a Scorpion in Kubiz Daz, a Scorpion in Kubiz Uruku, Scorpion leader at the Mother's Mountain Gesh, one of Uruku's Scorpions Dimma, one of Uruku's Scorpions Karshuna, one of Uruku's Scorpions SAZAR ROYAL FAMILY Nezudanasag, King of Urdaisunia Eruzasharbat, heir to the kingdom, older twin son of Nezudanasag and his First Wife Hazramatanarg, Eruzasharbat’s younger twin brother Teshtarganazad, Eruzasharbat’s older half-brother, oldest son of Nezudanasag (not the heir, because he was born to a lower-ranking wife) Sumatriganaz, brother of Nezudanasag, regent of the city of Kubiz Nishanara, Eruzasharbat’s First Wife Gutrarina, Eruzasharbat’s second wife Birsaguna, Eruzasharbat’s third wife Mizalilu, daughter of Eruzasharbat and Gutrarina Teshkarizaz, Eruzasharbat's horse (named for Teshk, the god of travel, and Arizaz, the goddess of seekers) OTHERS Jeru, a kifa (chieftain) of the Kai-Kalle people HISTORICAL FIGURES Shairu-Az, Lugala (queen) of the Urdai, 1100 years before the story. Writer of the influential Law of Shairu-Az. Kianak-Ur, last lugal (king) of the original royal line, deposed and killed about 30 years before the Sazar conquest Iriniz-Az, daughter of Kianak-Ur, assassinated some months after his death The brother of Kianak-Ur, sworn to nameless celibacy as a priest of Ar, also assassinated after Kianak-Ur was killed. Gamatusudraz the Conqueror, Sazar chieftain who united the Sazars to to conquer Urdaisunia, 72 years before the story. Agashtusudram, son of Gamatusudraz, first Sazar king of Urdaisunia GODS AND GODDESSES Ar, the God of Heaven, and father of the other gods and goddesses The Seer, Ar’s wife, mother of the other gods and goddesses. Banished to the Nether for prophesying that Anki and Hanisar's son (as yet unborn) and Usu and Ninharsa's daughter (also as yet unborn) would have a son who would rise above all the other gods. The Seer's name was hidden in the Mother's Mountain at the time she was banished. The Four Firstborn: Anki, god of water, husband of Hanisar Hanisar, goddess of air, wife of Anki Usu, god of fire and the sun, husband of Ninharsa Ninharsa, goddess of earth, wife of Usu Lesser gods: Speaking appearances/mentioned by name: Ajiha, goddess of peace (followed the Seer into exile) Anzub, god of rivers and fresh waters Araskagan, god of death Birku, god of criminals and tricksters Darkarkuk, goddess of music, dance, and pantomime Damuz, god of kings Innina, goddess of love Kuz, god of sorcerers Martuk, god of war Niuz, goddess of madness and dreams Shaz, god of wisdom Shosha, goddess of refuge and mercy Trannarnit, goddess of mountains Uzoma, god of brewers and vintners Zashtag, goddess of birds; Rashali's patron Others: Arizaz, goddess of seekers Daru, goddess of towns Erizkun, goddess of the stars Eshtina, goddess of healing Garub, god of justice and vengeance Gizrag, god of farmers and herdsmen Gozak, god of miners and smiths Halku, goddess of weavers and tailors Hirsuk, god of plants Isimu, god of servants and slaves Kasan, god of money and commerce Kiki, god of children Lotaz, goddess of merriment Mabu, god of youths Marganit, goddess of cooks and bakers Minitatarg, goddess of land-creatures Nannak, goddess of the moon Nasuru, god of the sea Nazarsat, goddess of home, family, and childbirth Nillin, goddess of maidens Rabi, goddess of wind Siz, god of priests and acolytes Teshk, god of travel Tiasag, god of sea-creatures Zagu, god of builders, sculptors, woodcarvers, and stoneworkers Zishaka, goddess of the aged |
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